"They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death." Revelation 12:11 (ESV)
If you have spent any amount of time in a Baptist (or any other evangelical Christian church) you have no doubt at least heard someone refer to their "testimony." In more modern churches may talk about someone's "story" instead of using the word testimony, but they are referring to the same thing. In Christianese your "testimony" or your "story" is the tale of how God brought you to faith or did some other work in your life. We spend much time and energy focusing on our testimony, writing it out, polishing it, learning how to share it in under three minutes. We are taught and we teach others that God will send someone into their life that needs to hear their testimony and that God will use their specific story to do something in this other persons life. I agree that this is true, I have seen it work out right before my own eyes, but what if this is only part of the bigger picture?
This morning I was listening to a Christian radio station in the car and, as often there is on these stations in the morning, there was a talk show on about family issues. I didn't notice which show it was or who was being interview, but this couple (a pastor and his wife) were sharing their story of how God saved their marriage after five or six years of decline. The wife shared how she had been out of town and ran across a pamphlet stuck in her Bible and how the Lord convicted her. She shared how she repented and came home and confessed to her husband. The husband shared how at first he wasn't convinced but after a while God worked one him. . . I didn't stick around to hear the ending, I've been around this church culture long enough that I can already guess how it ends. The husband comes around by the Grace of God, repents, forgives his wife, she forgives him, all is good and everyone is happy. Right? Sound familiar?
Don't get me wrong, I am sure that God has worked in the lives of both of these people to bring about change, transformation, in their lives that has resulted in a stronger marriage. I am also sure that God can use this situation and this couple to encourage others and to bring about change in the lives of others in some mysterious way. What I have an issue with is the way in which we present these "stories" and "testimonies." We stuff them into radio segments and Facebook posts so that we can "encourage" others and "spread the word." I think that this form of sharing actually does more harm that good. I know that runs counter to what we have been taught in our Sunday school classes and evangelism seminars, but stick with me for a minute.
Our experiences with God, our testimonies or stories, are no doubt meant to be shared. But, they are meant to be shared with people with whom we are already sharing life with! When I listen to these neatly packaged stories of God's work in other's lives I sometime find myself thinking, Why can't God work like that in my life? Then I realize that God doesn't work like that in anyone's lives! Life just isn't that simple, it is a MESS! These pre-packaged testimonies fail to take into account the fact that life is complex and sometime the help that people need is in these small details.
So go ahead and be prepared to share your "testimony" or "story" or whatever you want to call it, but be prepared to share you life with it was well. This Christian life is not meant to be lived alone.
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